Day 9 Faithfulness and Rambling

Sometimes I just want to write whatever I am thinking. Like stream of consciousness. That would be weird. Probably you'd stop reading at about this place, wondering why I'm writing about this when the post is clearly supposed to be about faithfulness. It occurs to me that I use the words "like", "its" and "things" too much and "I". These are things I've noticed because I read this a few too many times before posting. Or I begin to write on one topic and then completely delete what I've started and pick up somewhere new. Which is fine. It is my blog, right? I'm not being graded on this. But then again, I am, because people judge everything we do, even when we think they aren't. We don't live in a world free of judgement. I know mostly because I'm human and spend a great deal of time playing the judgement game in my own head. ...... I stopped to read what I wrote.

I'm my own worse judge..... is that supposed to say "worse" or "worst"? I'm not sure. It's like "all of the sudden" but that's supposed to be "all of A sudden" (Kim and Kelly will laugh at this, I told them about saying the phrase like this and then they thought it would be funny if I just added this randomly in conversations. This happened on the way to a lady's retreat that was made even better because we laughed like fools the entire time). Are you tired of this rambling yet?

Faithfulness. I don't think I've ever looked this up to know what the exact meaning is......reliable, trusted, or believed. ( is my favorite site, by the way)

I was listening to a sermon today on the story of Jesus ressurrecting Lazarus from the dead, it was called Taking Off Your Grave Clothes. The pastor (for future reference, when I tell you I've listened to a sermon it's probably going to be by Wayne Murphy, Greg Boyd or Bruxy Cavey) said that when we enter into a convenantal relationship with Jesus, God pours His life into us. We are no longer "dead" in sin, but full of eternal life. We inherit all the good stuff from our Father. The best part, we don't need to wait until we're dead to enjoy it. So, faithfulness from the Spirit is a grander and more perfect thing than we could ever achieve through earthly endeavours. Our Father gives us His best, lavishes wonderful Life upon us and He's so tremendous in His love that it pours from us to others!!!! Oh, I am growing to love this God of mine more and more each day.


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