Day 36 Parenting?

Our Christmas card photo shoot

5 personalities. 5 wonders. 5 people my husband and I get to do life with. I remember being pregnant with Aidan, I wrestled with how I would love another child as much as I loved Abby. I was so silly. Of course, it was love at first sight with Aidan. And so on with the rest. With each pregnancy I would anticipate what they would look like, what would they be like, who would they become. They are so precious to me.

Sometimes I have been overwhelmed with the responsibility of raising them. I've cried many tears, fearing failure, that I would somehow "mess" them up. This parenting gig is a hard road. The only manual I have was passed onto me by parents who found themselves in the same place I am now. It's a vicious cycle, for sure. I don't have a clue what I'm doing most of the time and I make many mistakes. I always say there is either yelling or laughing in our house, but I suppose that's normal?

However, I am thankful to be the Mom to my children. That I have the privilege of guiding them, loving them, and growing them up. I hope they extend grace to me when they find themselves in the same boat someday. Well, one can only hope.


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