Day 22 Trust

Finally, after twenty-eight years, I'm learning to trust God. Well, that's not entirely true. When I was 10 trusting God seemed easy. I think I've said it before, I'm growing young. In fact, in one of my times of prayer I envisioned myself running to Jesus, as I got closer to Him I grew younger and younger. When I finally reached Him I was probably 5, He knelt down to catch me and then tossed me into the air! I suppose this post goes along nicely with my previous one.

Trust goes hand in hand with knowing someone, I think so anyway. As I grow closer to Jesus I feel that my trust in Him is improving. I feel like I'm beginning to rest in Him with the full weight of myself. Before all of this "new" stuff was happening to me I would pray, "Lord, I love you and I trust you, BUT don't you dare lay a hand on my kids!!". I'm being completely honest with you. I thought for sure if I said, okay, Lord, here you go, He would allow something horrible to happen. Thankfully, the very wrong ideas I had of who God is have been challenged and replaced with a more accurate view of Him. It's constantly being tweaked, but I'm trusting Him with the outcome.


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