Day 27 Lifelong Passion

I disliked this song the first few times I listened to it. This seems to be the case with many of Brian Doerksen's songs for me, upon first hearing I don't fall in love, but becoming familiar with it I grow to love it. I've put the lyrics here too, so you can read them while this plays. This is a good "soaking" song.

I don't want to think this is a passing fancy. That someday I'll wake up and realize this was all just a phase. I was sharing all that's been happening to me with someone and they basically said, "it won't last". Sad. This is so much more than feelings and it must be, feelings are so fleeting and fickle. For the first time in my life, I truly am falling in love with my Saviour, I'm submitting to Him, learning Who He is and finally seeing who I am. It's a wonderful marriage relationship. Something I've only dreamed of but never thought possible.

Enjoy this song, think about Him, how wonderful He is, how life is more than bearable when you are resting in Him. He's breathtaking.

Fire burn heat these coals
Deeper deeper
Spirit yearn call my heart
Deeper deeper

Be my life-long passion Jesus Jesus
Be my life-long passion Jesus Jesus
River flow drench this soul
Deeper deeper
Hunger grow take my love
Deeper deeper

Be my strong intent my heart’s desire
My will’s pursuit my passion’s fire!
My spirit’s zeal my mind’s delight
My one resolve my journey’s light


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