40 Days of Identity

Last year I observed Lent by being thankful. 

Has it really been a year already? 

This time around I've decided to embrace each day by thinking about identity.  What does the Bible say about someone who lives a life surrendered to Christ, as one who lives in the Truth of the great love of God? 

Honestly, I've been struggling with these things. 

Maybe a better word is "forgetting". 

Interesting how busyness can throw us off, make us lose focus of the important things leaving us unfulfilled. 

I'm at my breaking point.  Walking through life as someone in darkness when the Truth has already been revealed. 

More honesty

I've spent more time in front of the television and my ipod than I have in my field. 

The truth of who I am gets lost in the silly and idle things I put my hands to and fritter away my time with.  Turning my quiet into another reason to waste precious moments.  I am suffering by my own hand and am the worse for it. 

I'm like a plant, withering without light, water, and nourishment.

To the field I will go.  I will read these words of Truth and imagine my Saviour saying them to me and about me.  I will intentionally immerse myself in His presence and remember my first love.

Join me for the next 40 days.  Find your "field".  Let the truth of Whose you are reign in your heart.   


  1. I relate so much to this, Angie. Thank you for your honesty and vulnerability here. I'm going to join you over this next 40 days and let God's love and His words wash over me again.

  2. Wonderful post Angie - I agree with Amy, your sharing like this will be a great reminder of God's word and love!


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