
My sweet girl. She is beautiful. I'm crazy about her and in awe of who she is. How did I get so blessed to have this wonder of a girl in my life? I try to tell her what she means to me, how she's impacting me. I don't remember many words of praise from my childhood. The ones I did receive were treasured. I want words of affirmation to be common to her and to all of her brothers. I want them to know where they stand with me, even on the days when I spend more time ranting and less time listening, holding, cuddling.

There was a time not so long ago when I hated who I was as a mother. I could hear myself speaking (yelling) and in my mind I would be saying "please shut your mouth, Angie, just please stop talking.". However, that is not the case any more. There are days when I still wonder, really, God, really, you thought I could be a Mom to 5? They are happening less and less. Most of the time I am loving it and who I am finally growing up to be.


  1. I betcha God says those first 5 sentences to you every day! You're a great Mom and an awesome woman.

  2. Wendy, reading your words made me cry. Thank-you!! I started writing things down here just as a sort of journal. I realized after I became a follower of your blog that it would link to this!!! :) I guess I am more like you in the introverted way- I let Wayne do the talking. By the way, I'm enjoying your blog too.


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