In rocks
One Sunday I shared with my church about my horrible parenting week. Afterwards a woman I admire greatly placed her hand on my shoulder and said, with small children you'll find some days are full of rocks and others, diamonds. The rocks make you appreciate the diamonds even more . I trust the source of this encouragement. She has five grown children. I'm sure to her these days I am living seem like they happened just a short time ago. What I appreciated most about her comment was the gentleness with which she expressed it. Her words were full of empathy and compassion. She knows where I am. She's been there. How many times have I heard a seasoned mother say to me, "E njoy these days when they are small, they are the best days of your life and they go so fast!" ? To which, I shudder. Sleep has been an issue in this house. Last night was no exception. All 5 of ...