The long way around
A little over 2 months ago I blogged about Elias. I told you about our trip to the IWK and how we discovered that what we were dealing with was not "scary". Fast forward to the end of that month and I'll fill you in on what's been happening since.... After his developmental assessment he was scheduled to meet with an occupational therapist because of some fine motor concerns. We met with her twice. On the last appointment she suggested he go see a physical therapist. She thought they would be able to give him some exercises to help him have more "control" over his wobbly legs and arms. We had that appointment at the end of June. I don't think we had been sitting in her exam room more than 20 minutes when she said these words- "I think I know what the problem is". Really? Had I heard her correctly?? She then went on to explain that Elias is hyper-flexible, which would explain why every doctor we've been to has said he has "low t...