"little" part one
The heart of an eleven year old girl still beats in an adult. Somewhere. She's alone. Lonely. She feeds her to keep her quiet when her crying gets too loud. Her heart is broken and she can't find her way to fix it again. She thinks if she could just keep everyone around her happy, the pain will dull somewhat. Truth is, she only loses more of herself when she edits her character and her opinion to keep life at an even keel for everyone else. She is tired of holding up her world, while time marches on and the wound gets deeper. Her heart is tender but she makes allowances for those whose ways are a little harder than hers. She keeps quiet because it matters more how she appears than what comes from her heart and mind. She loves even more to be helpful with a smart idea if the moment presents itself. She'll replay the conversation over and over when she is the hero and does the same whe...